
Module for repeatedly calculating ACM and PACM and corresponding eigenvalues
TEP = GetTEP(); TEP.head()
Name A Feed D Feed E Feed A and C feed Recycle flow Reactor feed rate Reactor pressure Reactor level Reactor temperature Purge rate ... A feed flow A and C feed flow Compressor recycle valve Purge valve Separator pot liquid flow Stripper liquid product flow Stripper steam valve Reactor cooling water flow Condenser cooling water flow Agitator speed
0 0.24889 3702.3 4502.7 9.4170 26.996 42.183 2705.2 75.173 120.40 0.33611 ... 54.059 24.804 63.269 21.950 40.188 39.461 47.000 47.594 41.384 18.905
1 0.24904 3666.2 4526.0 9.2682 26.710 42.332 2705.5 74.411 120.41 0.33676 ... 53.781 24.790 62.171 22.239 40.108 43.710 46.128 47.508 41.658 18.976
2 0.25034 3673.3 4501.3 9.4212 26.842 42.360 2705.3 75.125 120.41 0.33739 ... 54.075 24.669 61.585 22.191 40.030 39.480 44.121 47.612 41.721 16.562
3 0.25109 3657.8 4497.8 9.3792 26.528 41.982 2707.3 73.992 120.38 0.33664 ... 54.117 24.595 61.561 21.959 40.121 32.848 45.858 47.459 40.836 20.094
4 0.24563 3698.0 4537.4 9.3746 26.736 42.354 2705.3 75.283 120.42 0.32521 ... 53.906 24.451 61.388 22.271 39.538 36.682 45.753 47.458 41.727 18.330

5 rows × 52 columns



 ACM_analysis (X:pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, lag:int)
Type Details
X DataFrame Raw data to perform analysis on
lag int Number of lags to investigate
Returns dict Dict with eigenvalues



 PACM_analysis (X:pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, lag:int)
Type Details
X DataFrame Raw data to perform analysis on
lag int Number of lags to investigate
Returns dict Dict with eigenvalues



 Analysis (X, lag)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

test = Analysis(TEP,15)

To check the eigenvalues for a given pair we can simply access the matrix and display the first eigenvector which has been sorted to correspond to the largest eigenvalue:

array([-3.53665965e-02,  9.91247845e-02,  1.48473068e-01,  1.48473068e-01,
       -7.78141954e-02, -7.78141954e-02, -1.18819213e-01, -1.18819213e-01,
        1.46763021e-01,  1.46763021e-01, -2.72832315e-02, -2.72832315e-02,
        1.71289600e-02,  1.71289600e-02,  1.24926467e-01,  1.24926467e-01,
       -1.61051399e-01, -1.61051399e-01, -2.85690998e-01, -2.85690998e-01,
       -4.29317663e-01,  9.09143716e-02,  1.75729524e-01,  1.75729524e-01,
        3.34182238e-01,  3.34182238e-01, -1.36434720e-01, -1.36434720e-01,
        4.48605229e-01,  4.48605229e-01,  2.58924861e-02,  2.58924861e-02,
        9.55567158e-03,  4.99279556e-02,  4.99279556e-02, -4.30792202e-01,
        4.43065546e-01,  4.43065546e-01,  5.03627719e-01,  5.03627719e-01,
        1.60398868e-01,  1.60398868e-01,  3.08507125e-01,  3.08507125e-01,
        8.13763194e-02,  8.13763194e-02,  4.71123697e-02,  4.71123697e-02,
        4.08169775e-02, -4.87651437e-02,  3.38536505e-04, -2.44402708e-03])